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Tuesday, 25 February 2020


Evil is Never Banal.

Who Can Beat Trump? Who Knows?                 

JL: Obama was right-Dems HAVE formed a circular firing squad but will march into the sea with Bernie and his fucking principals.

RC Who Can Beat Trump? Who Knows Bush II was runner up. Trump trumps all of all of today’s evil doers. We have seen the enemy and he is us. Dems are new deplorables

JL: You know what? I lost complete faith in the American electorate way back in 1972, when Nixon beat McGovern in a landslide.I still remember how depressed I was the day after the elections(and conversely  how ecstatic I was when Nixon went on TV and announced his resignation in order to avoid impeachment.) I never thought I could loathe a President more than Nixon.....until Trump came along. 

 RC: You have a well polished crystal ball. Agree completely. Tired of Dem process. It’s not about Dhem. It’s about me. You. The Nation. It’s a divided time. Cultural issues. Politics. Economics. Health care. Never before had the cliche that a people deserve the government they get more true,JL: It'll all boil down to ONE THING-Will the military support him or instead will they stage a Latin America type coup d'est tas? They are the wild card in all of this. Very depressing to watch Bernie moving on to his inevitable nomination-unless the super delegates intervene-and the debacle that will result in November. Trump doesn't even need Putin's help to win the election.
RC: You’re on the mark. No public elected official will say this. Dems dither. Der Fuhrer steamrolls. JL: Call me an alarmist but that's how it feels. JL: If Trump wins re-election, knowing that he can't run for a third term I predict that-like Xi in China-he will declare himself Dictator for Life-and the spineless Republicans will applaud and support this move. At that point, we will be heading into a Fascist state, suspension of the Constitution, shutting down the anti-Trump press(NY Times, Washington Post) jailing political opponents like Schiff and Pelosi and making it illegal for anyone to criticize him(calling it "treasonous behavior") with the penalty of imprisonment. Free speech will be but a distant memory.

JL: I hope to God that none of this comes to pass but I'm awfully afraid it will. Like Hitler in the 1930's, Trump will have his brown shirts literally beating up on the opposition and ultimately the consolidation of power in the Oval Office. Massive protests will take place but these protesters will be dealt with harshly(picture the 1968 Battle of Chicago taking place on a regular and more violent  basis) with Trump eventually ordering cops and soldiers to shoot to kill. As Bob Dylan once wrote-It's a hard rain gonna fall

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