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Saturday, 22 November 2014

POTUS Forgets BlackBerry

Before departure, President Obama walked alone along Colonnade at 10:18 a.m. before heading back into the White House. A coatless POTUS walked to Marine One at 10:31 a.m. in near freezing 33 degree F weather checking his watch and waiving to reporters before getting aboard.

Almost immediately, he got off helicopter -- as his aides were headed across lawn to Marine One. POTUS went back into the White House through the Diplomatic Room doors telling reporters: "I forgot something"
After returning, he said: "Didn't you guys ever forget something?" After some shouted questions asking what he forgotten, he held up his his phone. "My BlackBerry" he said as he returned to Marine One.

Accompanying POTUS were Marvin Nicholson, Cecilia Muñoz,  Cody Keenan, Jennifer Palmieri and Anita Decker Breckenridge.

POTUS off to Las Vegas where it is expected to be a much nicer 64 F. Thanks to NBC for help checking quotes against helicopter noise.