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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Letters to the Editor

Blowing Smoke
 Dr. Albert C. Barnes, founder of the Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia
Boo Hoo
Darsh Gone, Dr. Barnes
is Still Getting Dissed
(In response to 'Matisse's Revenge,' published in the BroadStreetReview.com and below).
Thanks for your letter. We'll post it soon.
Dan Rottenberg

On Oct 17, 2011, at 8:40 PM....

I don't understand why so many presumably well informed writers feel it
necessary to slime Albert Barnes and why editors (Dan?) print this trash. In
a comparison of Matisse collections, is it necessary to allege Barnes'
marital infidelity? Do we need to read ONCE AGAIN that Barnes was
"irascible" and etc and etc ad nauseam? The man was an astonishingly
courageous connoisseur who was widely villified by "experts" and yet
assembled the breathtaking collection we all treasure. Show him some

Donald Eckard
St. Davids, PA 19087

Dan Rottenberg, Editor
Broad Street Review
1315 Walnut St.
Suite 904
Philadelphia PA 19107
Phone: (215) 735-1455
Fax: (215) 735-1455