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Thursday, 18 August 2011

John O'Hara Society

At Connelly's, from left, Robert Knott, Steven Goldleaf,
Richard Carreno, Jackie Atkins, Brian Maxwell, Jessica Rettig,
Robert Saliba, Jenny Saliba, Joan T. Kane, KC Rice, and Peter Frishauf

Lunch, Screening, Business
at O'Hara Society Meeting

About a dozen members of the John O'Hara Society, (see photo above) shared lunch, comradrie, and hoisting a toast to their favourite authhor at a annual summer meeting in New York. The international organisation celebrates the work and life of the 20th-century Pennylvania author.

The lunch was held Saturday, 13 August, at Connelly's on 47th Street, whereupon thanks to Pal Robert Knott we saw Robert Montgomery's portrayal of Julian English in a television tele-play of Appointment in Samarra. The screening was held at the Paley Center. Many thanks, Robert, for arranging this highlight!

We retreated to a pub -- aptly named Butterfield 8 -- for drinks, coffee, and dessert.