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Thursday, 4 December 2008

Dumb Stuff: Literary Notes from America

Film version with Sue Lyon, left, and Peter Sellers
Lolita Gets Dissed
By Book Club Member

In what has to be ranked among the most ridiculous literary observations of the 21st century, a Philadelphia book club member, Sarah Clark, told The Philadelphia Inquirer (3 xii 08) regarding Vladimir Nabokov's masterpiece:

'I thought it was kind of boring. I couldn't get into it. It was too wordy,' pretend-reader Sarah said.

Too wordy? As in poetic imagery, perhaps? As in not enough pictures, Sarah? Sarah, go back to high school, or whatever sandbox you graduated from. Your's isn't a Book Club; it's 100-Book-Challenge.

Welcome to America! Philadelphia division.

Of course, Lolita is arguably one of the ten best books in English of the 20th century. Oh, well.