Obama, We Hardly Knew Ye
By Richard Carreño
Junto Staff Writer
Well, it's that time again to crank up the Yes-We-Can-Change-O-Meter....
Tick, tick, tick....
Let's see....
- A staff that draws heavily on Clintonites, with, just today, Eric Holder, No. 2 in Bill's Justice Department, getting Barack's nod as AG.
Tick, tick, tick....
- And new Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, Bill's lapdog, Pelosi's pitbull, and not to be confused with your local synagogue, makes two.
Tick, tick, tick....
- A free Get-out-of- Jail card for Joe Lieberman.
Tick, tick, tick....
- Support for the Detroit/GM bail-out. A 'pay-off' for UAW support, anyone?
Tick, tick, tick....
- A hug-fest with John McCain. Was that with the new, new John McCain?
Tick, tick, tick....
- Hillary as Secretary of State? Does that mean that Bill gets the keys to the Lincoln Bedroom again?
I know. I know. Cut the guy a break -- not even inaugurated, for Pete's sake!
That's the problem.
What's next -- after the inaugural? What with Hillary at State, more troops for Iraq? What's not to love.
Tick, tick, tick....