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Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Prices Drop by 20 Percent @philabooks::booksellers


20 Percent Discount @philabooks::booksellers

For a limited time, readers of Junto and members of the John O'Hara Society get a 20 percent discount on all books in the on-line @philabooks:booksellers catalog via www.philabooks.webs.com. This applies to favourites, including all equestrian titles and all books by and about John O'Hara.

Please note that this discount does NOT apply to purchases from @philabooks through its affliate channels, half.com, Barnes and Noble, amazon.com, and alibris.com.

No exceptions. Go to www.philabooks.webs.com for the largest selection of equestrian titles anywhere.

When ordering, note that you are a Junto reader and/or a member of the O'Hara Society!

Questions? Contact Richard via philabooks@comcast.net, or via +(00)

Prices subject to change without notice.