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Friday, 4 May 2007


Bernie's New Work:
See Gallery Below

Bernie Carreno, a metal sculptor who teaches at the Indianapolis Art Center and whose work is included in numerous collections, is of Cuban descent; but his art, in this exhibit, includes tabletop-sized figures that have the rough-hewn, skeletal abstractness of the artist Giacometti. "Impotente (Powerless)" is an effective symbol of marginalization, both culturally and individually. Here, a female figure stands with arms splayed and blunted into stumps where her hands would be. She floats, footless.

AMOR - Artistswww.thesosagroup.com/amor2002/berniecarreno.htm
Bernie Carreno Next Artist » ...» Dolly Muníz » Bernie Carreno » Belén Cassani » Rosa María Díes » Art Silva » Carlos Sosa ...Bernie Carreno was born in New York City. His Grandparents on his Father's side immigrated to the United States from Cuba and Columbia in the 1920s. As the Carreno family grew they remained tight-knit. The Brooklyn flat Bernie grew-up in was shared by his Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, and Grandparents. Latin culture was preserved in the home through his Grandparents, Papi and Nena. After Bernie received the New York State Regents Scholarship he began to study drawing and illustration at the Pratt Institute of New York. He also studied painting with Isaac Soyer at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. His studies were interrupted when he was drafted to fight in the Vietnam War. While on leave in Chicago he attended a U.S.O. dance where he met a Milwaukee girl who would later become his wife. After he finished his duty they moved to Milwaukee to raise their three children. He continued his studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where he earned both a BFA in Sculpture and an MFA in Sculpture. He was a recipient of the Knapp Scholarship and the Vilas Scholarship. He has received numerous fellowships, including the Cintas Fellowship and the AOP Fellowship. He has taught various sculpture classes at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His sculptures can be found in collections in Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, and New York. He has exhibited in galleries throughout the Midwest and New York. In the 1990s, Bernie took a hiatus from creating sculpture. He relocated to Indianapolis in order to accept a job as the Director of Operations for South America for GM/Delco Electronics. He maintained an office in Miami and worked closely with GM offices in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, and Columbia. Bernie has recently retired from GM/Delco and has started creating sculpture again. Currently, Bernie is the Sculpture Department Head for the Indianapolis Art Center. He teaches a variety of classes, including Stone Sculpture, Mold Making, and Iron Casting. He has exhibited in the Dean Johnson Gallery and the Indianapolis Art Center.

nuvo.net /shttp://www.nuvo.net/archive/2002/11/06/diversitys_layers.html
Bernie Carreno, a metal sculptor who teaches at the Indianapolis Art Center and whose work is included in numerous collections, is of Cuban descent; but his art, in this exhibit, includes tabletop-sized figures that have the rough-hewn, skeletal abstractness of the artist Giacometti. "Impotente (Powerless)" is an effective symbol of marginalization, both culturally and individually. Here, a female figure stands with arms splayed and blunted into stumps where her hands would be. She floats, footless.