Celebrating ....

CELEBRATING The PJ's 50th YEAR! * www.junto.blogspot.com * Dr Franklin's Diary * Contact @ PhiladelphiaJunto@ymail.com * Join WritersClearinghouse at Facebook, X, etc. *Meeting @ Philadelphia * Empowered by WritersClearinghouse.

Thursday, 28 December 2006

Happy New Year 2007!

Junto for January

Junto No. 36 January 2007

Meeting @ Philadelphia

Charivari of the Low Life,
the High Life,
& the Lit'ry Life.

Celebrating Our Third Anniversary!

Try a subscription at Junto. (Just click here!)


1. Hooked on Sidney (Sidney Hook @ NYU)
2. Re: The Day After (John Belmonte)
3. The Day After (John Belmonte)
4. Outgoing
5. Re: Remembering (John Belmonte)

Stay in touch via JuntoEzine@yahoo.co.uk, or at +215.563.6779.

Season's Greetings,