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Saturday, 25 March 2006

Back in the Day


Feb. 6, 1970

Rochester, New York: Six Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) have joined the staff of the Ibero-American Action League, Rochester's Spanish Center, to direct the center's community service programs.

The VISTA volunteers, who will complete a minimum tour of one year, will wrk in job counselling, youth activities, and social services.

The volunteers are Jon Loftus, of Boston, Mass.; Ray Santiago, of New York City; Richard Sheskier, of New York City; Nancy Peterson, of Minneapolis, Minn.; Crystal Capelis, of Sacramento, Calif.; and Richard D. Carreno, of St. Joseph, Mich.

Ibero is located at 938 Clifford Ave., and serves some 18,000 Latinos in the Rochester area.