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Thursday, 7 April 2005

Peeping @ Pepys

Pleased to have had another peek encounter with Samuel Pepys. That was tonight (31 March) at the Van Pelt Library, at the University of Pennsylvania. So long ago since my introduction to him, many, many years ago, by R. (he of cabaret singer Bobby Short [recently deceased] fame, amongst others). Of course, Pepysiana Library at Cambridge is another reminder.

Brit Peter Stallybrass, co-director of the Penn Humanities Forum, provided the insight tonight, offering a quirky, smirky lecture (titled 'Sleeping with Pepys') on Pepys's dreams and canoodling with friends and associates. (Akin to the royal levée, bundling, and the rest). Asked Professor Stallybrass about Pepys's chambers above the old Wig & Pen Club in The Strand. He didn't know about this. Perhaps, not a Londoner. Hm.....

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