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Thursday 19 April 2012

Books Received

Granny Get Your Gun

Mamika: My Mighty Little Grandmother
By Sacha Goldberger
Harper Design Unpaginated Paper $10.99
Published: 17 April

Mamika presents a witty, inspiring picture of age that is an antidote against melancholy for all generations. In this book, bestselling author and photographer Sacha Goldberger introduces readers (and viewers -- the book is really a picture book) to the most adorable superhero there is today: his 93-year-old granny, Frederika Goldberger, otherwise known as 'Mamika.'

Mamika has had an adventurous life. During World War II, she saved the lives of her friends and fellow Jews. After the war, she set up her own textile firm, then in 1950 moved to France. After her fourth husband died, Frederika started to feel lonely and depressed. To raise her spirits, grandson Sacha asked her to be his model -- and the character Mamika ('little grandmother' in Hungarian) was born. Many disguises, geriatric stunts, jokes, and crazy photo shoots later, Mamika became an Internet sensation, with magazines around the world writing about her and chalking up more than 10,000 devoted Facebook fans. The Atlantic named her the 'Face of the Year' in 2010.
--HarperCollins Staff

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