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Tuesday 20 April 2010

A Freebie

Free Day at the
Philadelphia Museum of Art

By Richard Carreno
Junto Staff Writer

Free admission to the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

But don't get your hopes up. It's only for a day.

Despite its wildly unpopular its admission-charge policy, the PMA is conceding one free day, Tuesday, 18 May, as part of the International Museum Day, joining scores of other museums in the United States, Canada, and Mexico in opening their doors -- at no charge.

The programme is sponsored by the Association of Art Directors (AAMD).

'We believe that art museums are crucial to our understanding of world history and cultures, and provide a unique and irreplaceable public service,' said a AAMD spokesman.

For a day, at least, that 'public service' will be free.

Interestingly, I just checked the PMA website, and no mention of its free day is indicated.

Other regional museums participating in thr AAMD free day programme are the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; the Princeton University Art Museum; and the Frick Collection, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Whitney Museum of American Art, in New York; and the Phillips Collection in Washington.

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